Lodge Card Club

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Lodge Bad Beat Rules

  1. The starting value of the “Lodge Bad Beat” prize is $100,000. This value will increase by $1,000 daily until the prize is awarded.
  2. The “Lodge Bad Beat” shall apply to the games of 2 card Texas Hold’em, 4 card Omaha, and 5-card Big-O. “Bad Beat” means a high-ranking poker hand that is beaten by a higher ranking hand (e.g., quad jacks losing to quad kings).
  3. Bomb pots, waterfalls, race horses, and any other game besides Texas Hold’em, 4-card Omaha, and 5-card Big-O DO NOT count for the Bad Beat contest. However, all clocked in cash game players qualify for table share. 
  4. The “Lodge Bad Beat” only applies to players clocked in at a cash game table.
  5. Tournament play does not qualify for the contest.
  6. A minimum of four (4) players must be seated and dealt in at the beginning of the hand in order to qualify for the “Lodge Bad Beat”.
  7. In order for a hand to be eligible for a Bad Beat, the pot must contain a minimum of twenty dollars ($20).
  8. To qualify for the “Lodge Bad Beat”, a player must have a hand equal to or stronger than the qualifier, and be beaten.
  9. The qualifier in Texas Hold’em is Four of a Kind, Tens or better.
  10. The qualifier in 4-card Omaha is a Straight Flush (flop only).
  11. The qualifier in 5-card Big-O is a 9-High Straight Flush (flop only).
  12. The winning and losing players must use exactly two hole cards to create the highest possible 5-card hand.
  13. In Omaha games, both the winning and losing hands must be flopped.
  14. There is no requirement to have a pocket pair, as long as both hole cards play in your highest hand. (For avoidance of doubt, AT or KT vs a straight flush on TTTKQ board would qualify, but JT in the same situation would not, since the Jack would not play as part of the quads.)
  15. In order for a hand to be eligible for the Bad Beat, the hand must go to a showdown, i.e., played to the end, where all cards have been dealt and players have completed betting and tabled their cards to determine the winner.
  16. If a hand produces three or more qualifying hands, the lowest hand(s) receives a table share of the prize. Example: If four jacks, four queens and a queen-high straight flush are dealt in the same hand, the Bad Beat hand is the four queens and the winning hand is the queen-high straight flush. Four jacks would receive table share in this example.
  17. In the event of a qualifying hand on a multiple board hand, i.e., when the board is run more than once, only the first board shall be eligible for the Bad Beat.
  18. Players must play their hands independently. If any player, whether directly or indirectly involved in the hand, passes information or instructs another on how to act or reveals their hand to other players, the Bad Beat will be nullified.
  19. Any discussion of the Bad Beat during the playing of a hand may void that hand’s eligibility for the Bad Beat.
  20. Management must verify eligibility of all qualifying hands. There will be no recourse if the cards are mucked before surveillance was able to verify the hole cards involved and the community cards. Management will not be permitted to reconstruct the hands in any way.
  21. In order to collect any Bad Beat payout, government-issued identification is required. Larger payouts will require additional information.
  22. The Bad Beat payout distribution is as follows:
  23. Every member signed into a cash game table at either location will be awarded $100. This will increase by an additional $100 every 100 days (capped at $500 max). Of the remaining prize pool: 
    1. 50% of the Bad Beat is awarded to the Bad Beat hand (losing hand).
    2. 25% of the Bad Beat is awarded to the winner of the hand.
    3. 25% of the Bad Beat is awarded in equal shares among the actively signed-in players at the table on which the Bad Beat was hit.
  24. All cash game tables will receive the room share, whether or not they are eligible for the Bad Beat hand. This includes the table where the Bad Beat was hit.
  25. A player who removes their chips from the game prior to a showdown on a hand where a Bad Beat is won forfeits their right to any prize money.
  26. A player who walks away from the game but leaves their chips on the table retains their right to a share of the Bad Beat if the event occurs.
  27. Prizes won are final. No substitution or transfer of prizes are permitted.
  28. Payments over $500 will be made via mailed check, once all required information has been collected. Once verification is complete, payments will be mailed within 7 days.
  29. If the “Lodge Bad Beat” is hit on more than one game at the same time, surveillance will be contacted to determine the correct chronological order. Only the hand first dealt will qualify for the “Lodge Bad Beat”, as determined by the final dealt card being received by the button.
  30. Decisions of the Poker Room Manager are final and without recourse.
  31. Lodge Card Club reserves the right to the use of names and photographs for promotional purposes without additional compensation as per the membership agreement.